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    Honglei Wang, Masaya Yoshida, Cynthia K. Thompson. 2014. Parallel functional category deficits in clauses and nominal phrases: The case of English agrammatism. Journal of Neurolinguistics (SSCI; SCI(E)) 27 (1): 75-102.
    Masaya Yoshida, Honglei Wang, David Potter. 2012. Remarks on “gapping” in DP. Linguistic Inquiry 43(3): 475–494 (SSCI, Arts and Humanities Citation Index; 第一作者为本人导师).
    Honglei Wang, David Potter, Masaya Yoshida. 2012. “Gapping” in DP? In Proceedings of the 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 268-275.
    Honglei Wang, David Potter, Masaya Yoshida. 2011. Cross conjunct binding in nominal gapping. Snippets 24: 22-23.
    Honglei Wang. 2009. Divergent news representations of Lien Chan’s visit to China: A corpus-based lexical comparison between the China Post and the China Daily. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Special issue: Media Discourse in Greater China. 19(2): 179–198.
    王洪磊. 2011.《语言学名词》“语用学”术语. (国家社科基金重大项目“语言学名词审定”,No.01AYY001). 北京:商务印书馆.
    Honglei Wang. 2013. The majority reading of MOST as the evidence for determiners in Chinese. 国际中国语言学学会第21届年会. 台湾师范大学.
    Honglei Wang. 2013. Chinese aphasic patients’ comprehension deficits with discourse-related constructions. The 26th annual CUNY Sentence Processing Conference. University of South Carolina.
    Honglei Wang, Masaya Yoshida, Cynthia K. Thompson. 2012. Impairment of function words in CP and DP in aphasic speakers. The 2012 Northwest Linguistics Conference. University of Washington.
    Honglei Wang, David Potter, Masaya Yoshida. 2011. “Gapping” in Determiner Phrase. The 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. University of Arizona.
    Honglei Wang, Janet B. Pierrehumbert, Masaya Yoshida. 2011. The prosodic structure in Mandarin: Evidence from the movement of reduplicated adjectives. The 85th Linguistic Society of America. Pittsburg.
    Honglei Wang, Masaya Yoshida, Janet B. Pierrehumbert. 2010. Reduplicated adjectives within the Determiner Phrase in Chinese. 国际中国语言学学会第18届年会-北美汉语语言学会议第22届年会. 哈佛大学.
    Honglei Wang. 2006. Divergent news representations of Lien Chan’s visit to China: A corpus-based lexical comparison between the China Post and the China Daily. 第5届中国社会语言学国际学术研讨会. 北京大学.